There are a lot of crazy republicans out there who talk a lot of shit and make asses of themselves on a daily basis and its always fun to sit around and laugh at them. However whenever I watch or read anything having to do with Paul Ryan I get a real sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Ryan recently wrote an article called "A Roadmap to Saving Medicare" and needless to say it is one frightening article. The ideas he expresses in it are nothing new, but he takes those old failed ideas and doubles-down on them in a big way. Now, besides the fact that if these initiatives were ever inacted it would fuck us over so bad its not even funny, the scariest part of all this is the fact that in the media he is seen as this intelligent, wunderkind with big ideas that could save our economy and reduce the deficit. If these ideas were being proposed by some other republican asshole, I along with most people wouldnt really bat an eye, but this guy is being set up as some financial genius that actually knows what he is talking about.
Along with keeping Boehner from becoming speaker of the house, to me, one of the most important parts of showing up in November is keeping this guy as far away from any committee chairmanships as possible.
Heres his article - here is a thorough debunking by Paul Van de Water - suggest everyone at least read the debunking where he lists the fundamental portions of Ryan's plan. After seeing what he wants to do, it makes you wonder if anyone remembers the results of Bush's economic policies because Ryan's plan is like taking Bush's entire presidency rolling it up in one piece of legislation and multiplying it exponentially.