Got a mailer yesterday from Meg Whitman, in which she links Jerry Brown to a recent hi-profile corruption scandal in the city of Bell, CA. I didn't know Jerry was involved in the Bell scandal - and as it turns out, he wasn't (outlined areas below have absolutely nothing to do with Jerry Brown).
What about Whitman's claims about Jerry Brown in Oakland? Doubtful, if past ads are any indication. This from
"Republican Meg Whitman is making false claims about Democrat Jerry Brown’s "lifetime in politics" in an attack ad. The two are battling to become the next governor of California.
* The ad claims that "crime soared" while Brown was mayor of Oakland. That’s false. The total number of crimes actually went down by more than 13 percent.
* Also false is the ad’s claim that Brown "damaged the school system so badly the state had to take it over." As mayor, Brown had almost no control over the school district, which was run instead by an elected school board.
* A charge that Brown "lobbies for a corporate polluter" is highly misleading. Brown wasn’t a paid lobbyist. The claim is based on a phone call he made for a past campaign contributor, and it had nothing to do with pollution.
* The ad claims Brown worked to "send California jobs to China," but that’s unproven. The claim rests on an 18-year-old newspaper story that Brown strongly denied." I guess I should be reassured that she's 6% back and desperate.