And it won at Sundance. So I'll wait to see the film. So DU'ers aren't smart enough to watch & debate this as an issue? Surprised that Bill Gates is now the enemy. Or Geoffrey Canada? We have to do something to get many of our inner city schools turned around.
And what the hell is the harm of a teacher getting a $5 donation? You just have to pledge & you don't even have to show up to see the film.
BTW it got a good review at Huffington Post.
After seeing the film, I found myself pondering many questions about my own childhood, not only my own failures and successes but also the failures and successes of the school system itself, both public and private. I look back on the early years of my education, or lack thereof, and I wonder if I would have paid less attention to the kids and more attention to the teachers had Waiting for Superman been made before I entered the school system.
It feels to me the makers of Waiting for Superman are about to make a very powerful splash. Names like Geoffrey Canada and Michelle Rhee will become known to an even wider audience in New York and Los Angeles when this film premieres on September 24th and even more so nationwide when it opens in October. And this splash will not only be felt in the world of education, including the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Teachers Association (NEA), but in the world itself. A splash that may initially seem disturbing, but will hopefully be refreshing because of the inevitable life-changes that will no doubt come about because it was made.
I am sure, as Dugan so eloquently said, I was laughing where I should have been listening, and listening where I should have been laughing, but hopefully others growing up today will be more enlightened as to what's at stake when going through the school system. And I'm sure, after seeing this film, many will be reminded of the importance of an education as well as the absolute right to one. A right that too many people in this country are simply denied.
I am certainly no film critic, but I can tell you when a film is worth your time. 'Waiting for Superman" is worth your time. Future kids might not laugh when they should listen, and because of this film, they might actually have schools worth going to because enough people really cared to make a difference.