's so obvious: George Soros is holding the entire US Supreme Court hostage!
"I think they’ve been taken hostage by George Soros in league with the Islamists, who made the electronic run on the bank when McCain topped Obama in the polls and who have a standing threat to do it again if anybody balks at the communist/Islamist coup that’s been in quick process over the past 18 months.
I know it sounds crazy on the surface, but if I can get some urgent stuff done in the next couple weeks I’ll document and elaborate on my reasons for thinking this - not the least of which is that GW honestly seemed to believe that if TARP wasn’t passed the entire Western World as we know it would cease to exist. I remember at the time Drudge had headlines all at the same time, of GW saying the Western World would collapse, Chavez saying that since capitalism had failed we should do worldwide communism, Ahmadinejad saying since capitalism had failed we should do worldwide Sharia-compliant banking, and the IMF saying we were all screwed.
All in response to what we now know was one person’s electronic run on the bank in one day’s time. After that, everything changed in the election and in the rule of law. It was the beginning of the coup that got Obama into office and has kept him in office.
More reasons too, but I don’t have time to document it all now. Stevens calling Biden “Mr President” after swearing him in and Thomas saying they were evading the issue of whether you have to be born in America to be President are, I believe, quiet protests at being held hostage."
17 posted on August 16, 2010 10:01:43 AM PDT by butterdezillion (.)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: