March in Detroit for jobs, justice and peace! The march is organized by the United Auto Workers & the National Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. There are a number of groups/individuals who are supporting & helping to swell the marching crowd (scroll to the end of the page at the link provided here).
They've chosen an historical, incredibly meaningful day -- on that day 47 years ago, the March on Washington occurred.
From the Rainbow/PUSH website, the assembled groups & allies:
will march to mark the beginning of a new campaign that will call on our leaders to Rebuild America by enacting policy that will unleash the skills and talent of the American workforce.
The targeted messages are what we all rail about daily:
It’s time to enact real change for working families and all America. It’s time to reverse the policies that have resulted in jobs and investment flowing out of the country, creating economic hardship for millions of Americans. It’s time to Rebuild America with Jobs, Justice and Peace. We are calling on our national leaders to Rebuild America by focusing on:
Jobs--economic reconstruction driven by targeted stimulus, reindustrialization and trade policy that will create jobs, support manufacturing in America, and put workers first.
Justice--enforcement of the law regarding workers rights, civil rights, industrial regulation,and creation of strong urban policy, and fair and just education, economic, and health policy.
Peace--ending the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, saving lives and redirecting the war budget to rebuilding America.
Let's turn what we do here into loud proaction in what I hope will be the first of massive marches demanding that Washington damn well listen to the millions of voices they're not hearing.
Go here for more info and an email address for those who want to donate/volunteer/mobilize, etc.