They talk tough about opposing the muslim community center being built so close to the WTC ruins and that, despite their supposed recognition that it is completely constitutional and legal for a muslim community center to be built there, it still shouldn't be built there so as to not offend the sensitivities of NYC residents and/or 9/11 families. But what are they ultimately going to DO about it? Pass a law and/or resolution declaring the former WTC area to be "hallowed ground" and forbid anything anything with any ties to Islam from being built there- notwithstanding the fact that there's a mosque already nearby? :banghead:
I hear them saying that they're going to be using this as a political issue to run on/attack the Democrats in this election but HOW exactly is supporting the constitutional right of muslims to build a community center- with a mosque in it- near the ruins of the WTC supposed to RUIN a Democratic candidate? I'm trying to picture how a debate between Candidate A and Candidate B might work and what the Republicans are actually proposing be DONE to resolve the controversy. They're going to go around the country and attack the Democrats for SUPPORTING "religious freedom"?
Also, I would like to point out that no single group of people "own" 9/11 (well Bush, DOES own some responsibility for it occuring) nor the ruins of the WTC but the Republicans have- from day one- had absolutely NO reservations about hijacking the events of that horrific day for their own partisan political gain and political goals and exploiting this manufactured controversy like they are doing seems to be just one more thing in a long line of things which they've decided to use for bludgeoning political opponents and regaining power. Of course, it's all just a re-election ploy whose usefulness will only persist so long as people continue to give it any serious credence or thought. It's utterly shameless and dispicable! :puke:
Republicans like Cornyn may think that they're being *smart* by picking up this "issue" and trying to run with for the November elections but I just don't know how much mileage they're going to be able to squeeze out of this nonsense. If they keep this up long enough, somebody (hopefully) is going to ask the inevitable question of what they intend to DO about this and I'm not sure that the Republicans would be able to come up with a good answer to that because, frankly, there's really nothing, legally or constitutionally, that they can do about it (and they KNOW it).