being the sterling orator everyone claims, why always the ambiguity? He could be straight forward without the wiggle words, yet continues the vagueness when it really is a Yes or No answer. All of the rest is filler.
Here is a comment from Media Matters I completely agree with., Day 1:
As a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.
Obama, Day 2:
I was not commenting on and will not comment on the wisdom of making a decision to put a mosque there.
Sounds like a backtrack to me.
The proper response should have been "America stands for religious freedom, which is why this tenet was included in our Constitution. To demonstrate that commitment with actions, not words, I will be traveling to New York City to personally dedicate this new Muslim cultural center. Religious leaders of all faiths and denominations from throughout New York City will be with me. I invite Republican Congressional leaders to join us at this event and demonstrate with THEIR actions that they are as dedicated to upholding the Constitution as I am."
Of course, you will NEVER hear a speech like that from President Obama, because that would cause him to take a strong stand on a contentious question. Instead, he'll continue to temporize, attempt to negotiate with Republicans who say "NO" to everything as a campaign tactic, and give us half measures on what he promised during his campaign while continuing to advocate for the worst excesses of the Bush administration.
If there were 99 Democrats in the Senate and 1 Republican, the body would still be paralyzed as the 1 Republican DEMANDED to have input into all legislation and the Obama administration continuously tried to negotiate with that 1 Republican in an effort to obtain "bipartisan" support, while all the while the 1 Republican could never be satisfied -- he'd be saying "no" just to stop Democratic initiatives, and Obama would let him. Axelrod, Emanuel and Gibbs would be on TV and Reid would be on the stump saying "everyone knows you can't get anything done in the Senate unless you have 100 votes".
Barack Obama will NEVER be found behind a barricade.