can hit hard, here is a sample:
But the same people who are so discombobulated over the idea Muslims might worship steps from ground zero seem blithely indifferent to the presence of strip clubs, lingerie modeling shops and off-track betting parlors which populate the area within the same distance of the proposed mosque near this "hallowed ground."
You want offensive? I have visited ground zero on many occasions and I have always been struck — and offended — by the sleazy street vendors hawking 9/11 "souvenirs" — everything from 9/11 key chains, to 9/11 snow globes, to 9/11 geegaws picturing Osama bin Laden. How offensive is the notion that the murder of 3,000 people has become a business opportunity for a bunch of tawdry vultures? And not a peep of protest. But at least they aren't praying to Allah.