How does labeling all Muslims (who are American citizens) as being so unwelcome that we protest a building that includes a place of worship....
...be viewed as helpful in thwarting those extremists who distort and misuse Islamic faith to explain their violent, horrific, murderous hatred.
Pretend the thing "Americans" (geez) are against is not Islam or a mosque, but - say - sports fans. Protests bloom everywhere because there have been events where sports fans are violent, cause riots, even murder... and those events result in a national mindset of demonizing all sports fans - including those who have never and would never harm a fly, cause any disruption for any reason and are valuable members of their communities and provide meaningful contributions to their town, state and this country as a result.
But for some reason they find themselves labeled as "bad", "dangerous", "inferior", "different", "scary". Unfortunately, such a categorization will likely be the very thing that makes some sports fans angry enough that they end up being violent themselves... even if its just one person - the accusation and negative label very likely (right or wrong) would cause the very behaviour being protested in some being acted out by others who otherwise would have never even thought of such a thing.
Anyone who is wrongfully labeled negatively - or lumped together with bad acts, groups or people without reason (religious beliefs that seem the same but are NOT is a prime example, as any other thing that insanely assumes "they're all alike") is going to be royally pissed - and rightly so.
Any of us who has somehow convinced ourselves (clearly without thinking it through adequately) that
Muslims Christians Blacks/African Americans Whites Men Women Democrats Republicans Vegans Gun Owners Atheists College Students Smokers Alcoholics Pet Owners Scientists Nuns Soldiers Lawyers Terminally Ill Artists Children (and so on)
ARE or ARE NOT "______" (fill in the blank). No matter what is filled in, it is WRONG and unfair.