--do you recall what, if anything, she said about Guantanamo Bay? Extraordinary renditions?
Personally I think there is enough leeway, even with "a system", for variations within their platforms; however, I do recall noting at that time that Yes, there was precious little difference between their two platforms. It just depended, IMHO mind you, if one thought the first 'Black' (not quite but I've never been one to think "a drop of 'black blood', one is therefore "black" -- may be splitting hairs) president was more important, earth-shaking, etc. than the first Female --of any race-- president. Actually I called it for the first black, male pres --'male' being the operative word in that, constitutionally, it was over 50 years past black men getting the vote (Article/Amendment XIX:1868)until when women (Article/Amendment XIX:1920) finally got the vote.
The virulent strain of Capitalism that is currently approved of in the U.S. has not always been so (especially this huge pile of steaming crap that Wall Streets profits are private yet their losses are on the taxpayer) based at least on regulations, and lack of same, nor will it necessarily always be so in the future -- just because the chestnut of "The Government's business IS Business" has been the (false) slogan since the Reagan years doesn't mean squat.
However if by 'upholding the system' you mean the electoral college; well, two things: 1) the electoral college, in this day and age, is obsolete including the Founding Fathers patriarchal and yes even elitist (land owners, and strictly male of course) objections to "mob rule" (to wit: Jefferson first comes to mind) but only given the proper and honest use of technology, and 2) (Otherwise) I can't fault the Founding Fathers Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, including checks & balances, separation of church & state (Treaty of Tripoli), etc.
Sadly, regarding "the scam" between the two parties, I wholeheartedly agree. I'll blame it on the DLC until I find any other, more legitimate source(s). As for 'the Constitution is no longer in effect", it truly breaks my heart that our current President, a Constitutional Attorney, appears to be in more of the 'Constitution is just a piece of paper' school than in the Defender of the Constitution, as avowed, school.
As to "I don't have any more illusions that anyone will ever make it to the presidency, or stay alive if s/he did, who sincerely intended to 'change' anything." I sadly agree; but it's even more disturbing that so many Reich-wingers seem to be gunning for our President even though he is carrying through many of the Dubya policies (Disclaimer Obama: Better than Bush! Yay!)
Well, being the general CEO of The United States of America IS a pretty big and powerful job! Onwards & upwards to Bilderberg! :(
Yeah, the powers-that-be finally gave the Democrats a little time on the catbird seat -- but will it be equal time?
Congress seems to be, in the main, just a stepping stone to richer fields; i.e. Lobbying.
Great post!
I'm sorry mine is such a long post, & sorry grammar -- can't think at this late hour any better way to put these things.