On Monday, the residents of Fountainview Estates, a 55-year and older community, came out to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Social Security.
The elderly audience of about 30 residents met with Congresswoman Kathy Castor, and NAACP President, Ray Tampa to show their support of strengthening Social Security, which they said needs to be kept out of Wall Street.
“In Florida 3.5 million residents rely on Social Security, or are recipients,” Congresswoman Castor said. Recently, some members of the Republican Party have been pushing to privatize Social Security, with some people calling it the old nickname “Socialist Security.”
“If it’s good for us, they call it Socialism,” said Florida Alliance for Retired Americans spokesman Bobby Meeks.
Ray Tampa represented the NAACP as a group that is dedicated to upholding the current Social Security system, or strengthening it. Over 60 organizations (including the NAACP) have come together to tell both political parties “Don’t mess with Social Security,” Tampa said. These organizations, he says, have over 30 million members who will stand behind Social Security.
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