McCain has spent nearly $20 million on his re-election bid, according to campaign finance figures released Friday by his campaign.
Nearly all of McCain’s spending has come since former U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth began challenging him in the Republican primary earlier this year.
To defeat Hayworth, McCain spent $3.6 million from July 1 to Aug. 4, the finance summary shows. He raised $400,000 and transferred $2.9 million that was left over from his failed 2008 presidential bid.
In total, McCain has transferred more than $7.5 million from his presidential campaign funds for use in his Senate re-election. He had $1.5 million on hand at the end of the period.
Hayworth spokesman Mark Sanders declined to release specific spending figures, but he said Hayworth was on track to spend about $2 million total on the race.