You have no control over which candidate for any major office is declared the "front runner". And these days the "front runner" always wins. The "front runner" is *always* the candidate anointed by the Mediamotherfuckers. The criteria by which that declaration is made is fungible. Just by way of example, in the last election (NOTE: THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT OBAMA OR CLINTON. THEY ARE MENTIONED HERE SIMPLY AS AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE POST'S POINT.) Early on they were deemed "front runners" by dint of race, gender, and early fundraising leads. The Powers That Be made their choices and we got what we got.
Similarly, you have no control over the talk of Silly Season (the August before the biennial national elections). This Silly Season, several trial balloons got run up the flag pole (mixed metaphor for purely absurdist comedic reasons). Salutes were counted. Swimming/not swimming in the actual Gulf lost out to Mosquebama. And a good choice it was. The popaganda (intentional spelling, there) catapulters came up with yet another can't lose scenario. If Dems support Obama, they all get painted as people who disrespect the troops in harms way who died for our freedom when the jihadis ..... or whatthefuckckever. If they disagree, as Harry Reid did "so he wouldn't be outdone by that paragon of political acumen, Sharon "Chicken Lady" Angle", the story is the renting asunder of the Democrats. If Democrats say nothing, they're cowards and get goaded into taking a position. As usual in Silly Season, the repubicans play it perfectly, they win if the Dems do and they win if the Dems don't.
Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman? Really? How is that even possible? Linda McMahon? Sharon Angle? Nikki Haley? No, I'm not a mysogynist. But how is it that repubicans get away with this? How does Lady Blah Blah get treated with any fucking deference at all????
Things over which you have no control. These are but a few.