I'll make this easy for whoever reads these things. I'm a "professional leftist" according to Mr. Gibbs' definition and an idiot according to Rahm Emmanuel. (to put it nicely).
I can only assume President Obama agrees since he has not said word one to dispute these very negative definitions of the millions (yes, millions) of people who helped put him into office.
So, if that means this message gets circular filed than just delete it now.
Otherwise I have policy comments on two issues - job creation and social security.
Job Creation: This needs to be #1 priority right now. NOTHING else is as important. NOT the deficit. NOT wars. NOT gutting social security. Without jobs this economy will continue to struggle and worse, collapse. Robert Reich (another pesky Professional Leftist) says it best:
http://tinyurl.com/2e55m55Social Security: It's fine. There is NO emergency. It doesn't need to be cut in order to decrease the deficit.
I question why President Obama appointed known SS detractors to what everyone is calling his "Cat Food Commission". These people are hellbent on gutting this system and cutting benefits. EITHER is wholly and totally unacceptable to the majority of Americans (NOT just "professional leftists")
Cut defense spending and waste instead. Increase the limit on the incomes of those who pay into the system. But if you do what Republicans have been trying to do for many many years - gut Social Security or cut benefits - this party - the Democratic Party - is DONE. There is no point in its existence if they are not going to serve the people - because that's what the Democratic Party is supposed to do as opposed to Republicans who mainly serve corporations and Wall St. If Democrats and most importantly President Obama do not take a staunch stand on this and distinguish themselves on this issue - of all of them - they are DONE.
All this fearmongering about SS being urgently in need of 'fixing' is horse-pucky and Americans know it.
Now, if tall this means I need a 'drug test' as per Mr. Gibbs, then bring it on.
I'll tell you what this administration finds so irksome about the "Professional Left" is that we're always right. If you're wise you'll start listening to us instead of corprat lobbyists and Wall Street - IF saving this country is of any concern to you at all.
Otherwise, I assume that it is not.
X (mean old "professional leftist")