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Breaking: Two Dems back "mosque," sky remains in place

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 05:22 PM
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Breaking: Two Dems back "mosque," sky remains in place
Edited on Tue Aug-17-10 05:40 PM by babylonsister

Breaking: Two Dems back "mosque," sky remains in place
Greg Sargent

Others have noted this already. But I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that two Dem Senate candidates today unequivocally did the right thing on Cordoba House. Both stood up strongly for the group's Constitutional rights and for religious freedom -- and neither opposed the location.

Here's what Dem Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania told reporters today, according to his campaign:

"I strongly believe in a Constitutional right of religious freedom and in the separation of church and state applying equally to everyone. Those are rights that I defended for 31 years in that fine U.S. Navy.

"This is an issue for New York to resolve -- as long as it respects those Constitutional rights. Let's also step back and say, 'Let's stop playing politics with religion

And Alexi Giannoulias, the Dem Senate candidate in Illinois, said he sympathized with the 9/11 families. But he said he supports New York's decision to do the project, and even -- gasp! -- pointed out that Muslims were victims on 9/11 too, adding:

"Everyone in the world is waiting to see how we react -- are we going to talk about tolerance, are we going to talk about freedom of religion, or are we going to actually practice it?"

Dammit, was that so hard? Was that really so risky? Provided neither Dem walks back his support -- anything is possible, of course -- I say we bank these statements, and keep an eye on what happens next.

Select Beltway types have been leaking anonymous quotes nonstop suggesting that taking a stand on this issue could prove lethal to Dems in competitive races. How dare Obama show any leadership by saying anything about this? After all, he compelled Dems to take a side on a difficult issue with elections coming up in nearly three months!

Here we have two test cases. Let's see if either Dem pays any political price whatsoever for this stance as the campaign unfolds.
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Qutzupalotl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 06:07 PM
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1. The really lethal thing is running against the First Amendment!
Why do Republicans hate the Constitution so much that they want to rewrite it?

Yet the lemmings just follow Glenn Beck around both sides of the argument.
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me b zola Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-17-10 06:14 PM
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2. K&R
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