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August 17th, 2010
Welcome, Truthseekers, to the Tuesday edition of the Malloy Show! Mike is back from the AM 1090 Seattle Forum and wants to thank everyone at the station and the incredible audience that made that event so successful!
We are happy to bring you a NEW Malloy Show today! Internet listeners and viewers can hear and/or watch the program LIVE from 10 AM – 1PM ET. We welcome your calls during these hours at 877-996-2556!
Radio listeners can hear the program from 9PM – midnight as usual, and it will also be available to Internet listeners and MalloyVision viewers again at this time. Double your pleasure, double your fun TWO TIMES today!
There’s more fun and frivolity than a barral of flying monkeys in the MalloyVision chat! Tune in at 10 AM and/or 9PM ET and chat with your fellow Truthseekers!
See you on the radio . . . .
Kathy's diary- Madness
August 17th, 2010
Wow, you’re off for a few days and look what happens?
Our occupation of Iraq took another violent turn today with a deadly suicide bombing aimed at new army recruits, killing 51 and wounding another 100. You have to wonder why there is any debate about troop withdrawal at this point, in either Iraq or Afghanistan, where there occurred three bomb attacks over the weekend. How many innocent Americans, Iraqis, and Afghans must die, be maimed, or permanently psychologically damaged before we put an end to the Bush Crime Family’s illegal adventures in the Mideast? How much animosity must we create in the Muslim world – how many terrorists must we create as a result of our attacks – before we stand up as a nation and collectively declare that this is not the America we once knew?
We’ve seen this “war” before – with some of the same actors - in the 60′s and 70′s and should know better.
Instead of piddling arguments over the exact location of a Mosque in the general vicinity of “ground zero,” perhaps we should instead focus our limited energies on the reconstruction of our relationship with the Muslim world in the aftermath of the Bush wars. In their bigoted opposition, the Republicans are reinforcing their own religious intolerance and equivocation of the Islamic religion with terrorism. Do they honestly believe that the worship services by faithful Muslims are somehow a slap in the face to all Americans? Or showing disrespect to the families of 9-11 victims? How is anyone respected, honored, or served by smearing Islam or spewing more hatred toward Muslim Americans?
There is an excellent commentary, a post, actually, to an editorial in the Washington Independent online. The author’s user name is “SPO101″ and I am repeating a portion of this post because it provides a perfect explanation of the NeoCon madness over the Mosque:
As of 8-15-10, WITH ALL THE PROBLEMS our nation is facing… Our so-called news cycle is dominated by a conservative idiot debate about a Mosque in NYC. I swear to the Almighty when the revolution finally comes TV/radio news people/pundits are high on the “off with their heads” list, lol.
It’s 7:12 pm PST and some maniac named Bill Cunningham (he’s cunning, he’s a ham) is spewing hate speech to the Conservative wacko masses. According to C. Ham, President Obama will eventually hand the USA over to Muslims/Shariah Law and the right wing nutcases are eating it up…
Hey C.Ham, look to Bush/Cheney if you need someone to blame for ruining the image of middle-aged White guys.
OK, you morons want to play? Let’s see who’s REALLY handing the nation over to foreign INTERESTS:
It all started with Newt Gingrich, the great shameless, hypocrite who was cheating on his sick wife while preaching morality at Bill Clinton. This Republican limp**** is AT IT AGAIN! This time the Grich is trying to tear down President Obama over the NYC Mosque issue. Muslim this, Islam that but what most conservative wackos don’t know is Newt Gingrich opened the door for the Saudi Royals and other foreign special interests to OWN news media in the USA. In the 90’s Newt oversaw hidden legislation that allowed Rupert Murdoch to buy FOX Spin… ahhhh I mean News.
12/1/2000 – CIA document Case# F-2001-00009: Buried by Bush/Cheney
“International Crime Threat Assessment” defines “Kleptocracy,
…rather than serve PUBLIC INTEREST, top leaders use nations resources solely to enrich themselves and their cronies. To cover up crimes the stage is set for social and political upheavals…”
Everyone has been thinking it but too afraid to say anything. Republicans put the American PEOPLE under the thumb of Big Oil. And when one thinks of Big Oil the Saudi Royals quickly come to mind.
The really disturbing part of what the George H.W. Bush lip readers witnessed, were his stories about how the Saudi’s have suckered Republicans into destroying America from within. They’ve been playing the right-wing extremists for FOOLS since 1994. It seems Prince Bandar and Prince Alwaleed bin Talai have USED Republican and Conservatives to upgrade their dawah programs.
First they set up schools, clubs, associations all over the world to convert any and all non-Caucasian locals. (example: Association of Latin American Muslims)
Then Saudi Royals invested in the Military Industrial Complex and are now among the leading arms dealers on the planet. (see yearly arms show in Abu Dhabi) Of course they’ve indirectly been involved with every economic disaster and terrorist act since Reagan/Bush came to power. The consequence is their profit margins have increased by 75%.
I know, I KNOW, it was just a coincidence most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi’s . . . The Saudi’s want NEVER-ENDING WAR and they know the sucker Ho’s in the Republican Party will make their long term strategic plans possible. Our own Republicans and Conservatives have sold us out to foreign corporate interests.
NOTE: That’s why after 9/11 George W. told Americans to go shopping. Because of investments between the Saudi’s and China, Americans stopped being citizens and became nothing more than consumers. “BUY SOMETHING, or get out”
The Saudi’s have donated billions to promote Conservative spokespersons and Republican candidates over the last few decades. . . . . I’m sure the Saudi Royals (Kingdom Holding Co.) who are now majority stockholders in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp/FOX News are confident of their long range strategic planning.
Visit this site for the entire commentary: :hi: :loveya: :hug: :pals: :woohoo: