Pages from idiot son's playbook? He doesn't need to stinkin' work! More Data: Rick Perry Still a Slouch
by: Michael Hurta
Tue Aug 17, 2010 at 11:40 AM CDT
After reviewing his 2010 schedule, observers concluded that
the governor only officially worked 7 hours per week in the first part of 2010. Perry, meanwhile, insisted that he worked 24/7. Supporters of his chastised the methods for determining Part-Time Perry's laziness.
Perhaps, after all, it was just a bad sample? He has been campaigning for reelection, and that's a busy job.
But the Bill White campaign looked at his 2009 schedule, too. I guess without campaigning, the governor works a tad bit harder.
Rick Perry's official schedules for 2009, released today, show that he worked an estimated average 11 hour work week in 2009.
In 250 business days, Part-Time Perry had 65 days off, with no official work time, events, meetings or calls. He also took 27 long weekends.
Woohoo. 11 hours a week. That's still lower than a few voters work in a day. It's not at all impressive.
And as a Texan, it's still damn embarrassing.Now, some still say that schedules are deceiving. And it's true; most public officials probably work a bit more than their schedules indicate. Not 3 or 4 times more, though.
Even if he's working twice as much as his schedule indicates, he's still Part-Time Perry. Part-Time Perry is now data-tested, and the results are in. Yuck.Notice that the Rick Perry campaign hasn't taken a public records request from the Mayor of Houston's office and paraded around Bill White's schedule. Workaholic Bill.