In Rep. Pearce's world "order" there would be no place for Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM), famous astronauts and Olympians
Mass round ups of undocumented immigrants in Arizona isn't enough for state Rep. Russell Pearce. This Republican legislator--who frequently warns of "the invasion" from our southern border--is now calling for mass expulsion of U.S. citizen children. Never mind the Fourteenth Amendment that has long upheld the principle of birthright citizenship--in Pearce's world "order," the U.S.-born children of immigrants who are here on temporary visas and the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants are not welcome.
Sadly, Pearce is not alone in his apocalyptic vision of the world. Gov. Jan Brewer, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), and a growing number of Republican bullies are dead set on squashing the U.S. Constitution and creating a veritable caste system. One of their strongest supporters, the anti-immigrant group FAIR, goes as far as to advocate for denying citizenship to all U.S. born babies "of illegal immigrants or other non-citizens."
Ummm... do they realize that there are more than 38 million non citizens (12.6 percent of the U.S. population) living and working in the U.S. today?
Pearce's latest crusade against immigrants is offensive and fundamentally un-American, but it also won't do a thing to solve our immigration problems. Instead, expelling an untold number of our nation's youth would cost billions, lead to massive social unrest, and rob America of some of our greatest future talent.
Here's a tiny taste of who wouldn't be in America today if Pearce's "American Dream" came true: