If you are going to judge an entire faith based on the actions of a few then you best shut up and realize that others will judge you and your faith by the actions of some of your few as well.
I adhere to a faith and ideal - not a church, not to the ideals of the fundies of my faith, but to the golden rule and the ideal of love for one another. But others who claim to be of my faith have done some really evil things.
I sure as hell don't like it when others here judge the many people of my faith based on the bad things done using Christianity throughout history - because I know there have been many millions of people of my faith that have worked their butts off to help others.
The only press some religions seem to get is negative press. Try going to
http://www.usnpl.com/ and reading the small local papers in many states and you will see that there are many churches helping out the poor and hungry. There are many pastors and congregations who do a lot for others. But the things which get the most press are when people relating to churches fail.
We chide the RW for their hatred and bias against Muslims and others, but I think we on the left also need to see that sometimes we do the same thing - and while some may justify it here, so do those one the right when it comes to other faiths.
Maybe we need to step back and put things into perspective.
If we are going to complain about how the right is painting this whole thing in a negative light maybe we need to look at ourselves and how we also let our biases get in the way at times. When a rw'er says "Them Muslims are evil" we tell them they are being ignorant, but when someone says "Catholic priests molest kids" or "Christians are evil" we just nod and say "I know a Christian like that"
How is it any different? We condemn the bigotry on one hand and then endorse it on another.
Treat others how you you want to be treated. Or in the words of Jesus "Do unto others as you would them do unto you."