Q: How is this OP like the Energizer Bunny?
A: It just keeps going and going.
You want brevity? Try some other thread.
Intro. Think things could not get any worse in this country? Think we have hit rock bottom? I have some bad news for you. Corporate fascist Americans (and the politicians who represent them and the media puppets who speak for them) have just gotten started. How low do they aim to take us? Here is a hint.
Q: The New Federalists want to unravel the work of what great US president?
What did FDR do? He brought us out of the Great Depression. He enacted reforms to check the power (and greed) of Banksters. He gave us a little security---Social Security.
If the New Federalists had it to do over again, what would they do? They would scrap the military coup----Americans did not and never will goose step----and instead they would get into their time machines and go back to 1934 to persuade Americans that
FDR engineered the Great Depression. I. Where Blame is Due: The Bush (Engineered) Recession First things first. Before anyone starts posting “But it
is the Obama recession”, here is a little recent history lesson. I am going to take you back in time to 2007, when most Americans thought that we were doing ok.
In early spring
2007, I started a Salon Table Talk thread “A Dog Starved at Its Master’s Gate Predicts the Ruin of the State”. My premise was simple----the Bush administration and its corporate buddies were engineering a recession/depression.
Since I can not direct you to the original, here is a link to my DU Journal about the original. (A double Corsi!)
http://journals.democraticunderground.com/McCamy%20Taylor/366 The whole point of the engineered Reagan recession--which was part of the Federalists attempt to roll the US back to the pre-FDR years---was to subvert democracy. When everyone got richer and better educated and healthier and more secure and more hopeful, this translated into a popular sense of empowerment. We witnessed this in the 1960's, when students decided that they did not have to go fight a war they did not believe in and women decided that institutionalized sex descrimination was not right and minorities fought for and won their rights and later gays did, too. None of these battles could have been won without the empowerment that comes with economic prosperity. Western europe and Japan bask in all their social freedoms because of their economic prosperity, which makes the people immune to fear propaganda and makes them expect their government to serve THEIR wills.
Make people afraid that they will be kicked out on the street before they can collect their next paycheck because someone with a different skin color will take their job or make them worry that illness will eat up their savings or make it impossible for their children to afford college because their kids have all been arrested for minor drug crimes which make them ineligible for federal grants---and they are too scared to question the political system.
McCamy Taylor (me) in 2007
On Jan. 26, 2009, I wrote at DU:
Now all the Republicans have to do is convince Americans that people like Phil Gram and George W. Bush were not to blame, that the modern day Banksters did not rob us blind, that no one could predict what was to come (and certainly that no one engineered the crisis or deliberately made it worse), that the recession and depression actually happened on Obama’s watch and everything will get better if we just elect a new Republican Congress under a new Newt and a new Ronald Reagan. You all remember how much better things were under Ronald Reagan, don't you?
The people who started this mess are still out there, waiting to reap the rewards of our misery. They control the press. They control the jobs. Obama has about three months--that 100 day honeymoon---before they will start calling this his Recession/Depression and talking about how great the Bush years were for business.
Now that we have things clear, let's move on to the Lies.
II. The “Obama Recession” Part 1: The Reich Wing Hey! Yeah, you! I have some swamp land to sell you. Cheap. What? You’re too smart to buy swamp land? Then how about this beauty. I call it “The Obama Recession”. You know you want it.Nov. 6,
2008 Obama has only just been elected. He has not even moved into the White House yet, nor has he signed any laws or made any executive decisions.
That does not stop the Reich Wing (from here on out I am going to differentiate the “right wing”----that loose amalgam of Fundies, abortion foes, homophobes, gun rights enthusiasts and business interests---from the Corporate Fascist Coup) from blaming Obama for the recession:
The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression. He hasn't done anything yet but his ideas are killing the economy.
Rush Limbaugh
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_110608/content/01125107.guest.htmlYeah, the Big Lie always starts out as laughable. But, the more time you hear it, the more familiar it becomes, until---like the feeder gold fish your pet oscar did not eat---it becomes part of the family.
2009 I think it is time to call it "The Obama Recession." Using Obama's own numbers, we are now worse off than we would have been had Obama's stimulus not gone into effect.
American Thinker
http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/06/the_obama_recession.htmlPresumably, the Big Lie was still in serious trouble this summer, even after 18 months of Reich Wing repetition, because Rush decided that it was time to answer the question “Um…excuse me.
Why would an elected president try to wreck the economy?
2010 "This is payback," meaning, "All right, look. We don't care if it's the New Black Panthers or whoever it is. Black people in this country have never, ever had a fair shake. This is payback. O.J. Simpson was payback. How does it feel?" That word "payback" is not mine. It was J. Christian Adams quoting some people in the Department of Justice. It is exactly how I think Obama looks at the country: It's payback time. I think that he's been raised, educated, and believes on his own that this country has been (as you know) immoral and unjust. It has stolen. It's unfairly large; it's an unjustifiable superpower. We have become as large as we are not because of any uniqueness or exceptionalism or greatness but because we've simply discriminated against the real people that made the country work, all the minorities. People around the world, we've stolen their resources, and now it's payback time. That's what we're getting. J. Christian Adams had somebody in Obama's DOJ who said that regarding the dropping of charges against the New Black Panther Party in the voter intimidation case in Philadelphia. So don't doubt me. There's no question that payback is what this administration is all about, presiding over the decline of the United States of America, and doing so happily.
Rush Limbaugh
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/content/home/daily/site_070210/content/01125106.guest.html Oh, I see. So Obama only ever cared about minority issues---to the detriment of all of us who are not members of a racial minority. That explains it.Yeah, that explains it. Divide and Conquer, the Reich Wing’s favorite political lie.
III. The “Obama Recession” Part 2: Mainstream Media Big Lies are planted by the Reich Wing, but in order to grow, they need the fertile soil of the Mainstream Media.
Fox (of course) has lead the way with this Big Lie. From
Media Matters Stating that President Obama's policies have "clearly failed," Fox Business stocks editor Elizabeth MacDonald falsely suggested that Obama has been in office for three years. This follows a pattern of Fox hosts and guests blaming President Obama for Bush-era policies such as TARP, the AIG bailout, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts, and the beginning of the recession.
http://mediamatters.org/research/201008110036What? You thought that was George W. Bush who got on national television in the fall of 2008 to demand that we give all our money to the Banksters? Hell no! That was (President) Obama. In white face. You know, like all those Tea Bagger signs.
The Hill , this year's hot Reich Wing propaganda source, an article (subliminally) entitled
“Obama’s recession….”:
As hard-working Americans struggle through one of the worst recessions in U.S. history, one part of the country remains recession-proof: Washington, D.C.
Even though federal tax revenues are down 20 percent and the national debt has ballooned to $12 trillion, President Barack Obama and his allies on Capitol Hill continue to believe that we can borrow and spend our way to prosperity. As part of that plan, they’re using our hard-earned tax dollars to increase the size of government and the salary of bureaucrats.
http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-a-budget/81247-obamas-recession-plan-more-bureaucrats-rep-mcmorris-rodgersHow do you sell Americans who
remember that the recession started during the Bush years the Big Lie? You tell them that the Bush recession is over---which means our current problems are due to the “Obama Recession”. From
USA Today We had some technical difficulties yesterday, but wanted to show you this clip in which President Obama downplays the possibility that the economy could slide back into a recession.
http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2010/08/obama-no-double-dip-recession/1 IV. The “Obama Recession” Part III: The Progressive Media In keeping with DU rules, I will not quote from DU. Instead, I will serve up a few choice reader comments from other sites that calls themselves progressive:
Here is
“It’s Obama’s Recession Because the Mainstream Media Says It’s Obama’s Recession" :
This was never called the Bush Recession, or the Bush Depression, or the Bush Unemployment, or the Bush bailout of the banks--and now we wonder why it's called Obama's socialism. Summers and WH friends are partially responsible for not playing the "blame game." With the euro tumbling and Korea rumbling, this small jobs bill will be like spitting in the ocean.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/5/25/869782/-Summers-makes-the-case-for-the-jobs-billHere is
“It’s Obama’s Recession Because He Voted for the Bailout.”From
Huffington Post This is definitely his recession and TARP is as much his as any other politician who voted for it.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/goodmarina/the-best-political-ads-of_n_672595_56575301.htmlAnd here is the ever popular
“Americans need rhetoric, not action!” Keynes solutions were all about creating jobs at decent wages regardless of what those jobs were in order to create demand. That requires fiscal policy and now that the too small by half fiscal stimulus is done we are soon to be in a world of hurt. Thanks, Rahm, Larry and Barack for not even trying to pass a stimulus bill of the proper size.
http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/2010/08/mysteries-of-deflationary-bias/#comments V. More Big Lies: “60 Votes Don’t Mean ____” Since Obama is not the one running for re-election this fall, the Reich Wing has crafted another lie, specifically designed to keep the Democratic base from turning out to vote. Believe it or not, this was actually posted here at DU recently. I am not going to say by whom or when or even finish the quote (in keeping with DU rules).
Now, why is there a “60 Votes Don’t Mean____” Big Lie this year? Because history has already proven that 60 votes
do mean ____.
First, the Lie:
Here is
“Why 60 Votes Doesn’t Matter”
from 2009, Huffington Post.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jesse-berney/why-60-votes-doesnt-matte_b_224255.htmlIn 2010, we get:
Victory doesn't rest with 60 unified Democrats, and never did.
http://www.thetakeaway.org/blogs/takeaway/2010/jan/19/massachusetts-and-60-vote-senate-fallacy/ And here is one called
“Good Riddance to 60 Votes!"
http://politicalwire.com/archives/2010/01/20/good_riddance_to_60_votes.htmlGood grief!
Now, a history lesson. Remember the 1964 elections? I was five, but I do. LBJ and the Democrats got aggressive. They decided that the White House and a simple Congressional majority were not enough. They ran “The Daisy Ad.” They got a supermajority. Here it is, your 89th U.S. Congress:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/89th_United_States_CongressNote its list of accomplishments.
Medicare, Medicaid, Voting Rights Act, the Freedom of Information Act, HUD, federal vehicle emissions standards….Altogether now.
60 Votes Don’t Mean ____! Now, another history less. Remember the 74th U.S. Congress? Probably not, unless you were born before 1930. But that’s ok. Wiki remembers everything. The 74th Congress gave us:
National Labor Relations Board, Social Security, the “Soak the Rich” tax.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/74th_United_States_CongressHow many Senate Democrats did it take to pass Social Security? 55? 60?
No, it took 69 Democrats. Now, take a look at the 75th Congress:
Minimum wage, overtime pay, ended child labor, Food and Drug Administration.How many Senate Democrats were required to give us a federal minimum wage and stop child labor? 60? 65?
No, it took 76 Senate Democrats to make a difference.When I hear folks whine because 59.5 Senate Democrats have not brought us peace and prosperity, I laugh. Then, I cry. We are so close. How can people give up without a fight? If you want change you can believe in, then make it happen. Get a Democratic supermajority in Congress as this DU poster suggested all the way back in 2003.