Because nobody gives a crap.
They realized that most people nowadays don't give a rat's ass anymore about what's right and wrong.
That's right: most people don't care.
And Fox News viewers laugh at the mentions of "fair and balanced". They know it's not fair and not balanced. They probably have a gleeful smile, thinking about their side turning Obama's victory into a severe defeat for the Dems, and they don't care if it's done in an ugly fashion or not.
And if you confront one of them about it, they'll smile at you because they know.
This is turning very ugly right in front of our very eyes.
The right is managing to pull their good trick and we let them do it.
They realized they reached this point where, really, there could be a civil war or even a military coup, and probably most people would go with it, either support it or sheepishly bow their head and move on, pretend it never happened.
I personally will stay home, close my door and work from home, keep the kids at home, and wait for it to happen, because I am sure outgunned and outcrazied by these morons.