!/image/3865518406.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_240/3865518406.jpgThis is an artist’s rendering of the humidity-controlled warehouse now under construction at Camp Carroll in Waegwan, South Korea. Slated for completion in January 2012, the warehouse will allow the Army to bring under a single roof a set of combat vehicles stored for a heavy brigade combat team to use should there be an outbreak of war in South Korea. The warehouse is expected to help the Army keep the vehicles in good order longer, and avoid nearly $2 million a year in maintenance and related costs.Camp Carroll to be home of Army’s biggest combat motor pool By Franklin Fisher
Stars and Stripes
Published: August 18, 2010
PYEONGTAEK, South Korea — A new combat vehicle warehouse that will be the Army’s largest worldwide — big enough to cover six football fields — is going up at Camp Carroll, South Korea.
The $29 million, two-story, humidity-controlled warehouse will measure 350,000 square feet and be able to hold all the vehicles in a heavy brigade combat team — Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles and others — under a single roof, officials said.The new structure will mean the vehicles will stay in working order longer and help avoid millions a year in maintenance costs, officials said. It’s slated for completion in January 2012.
Officials opted for a single warehouse rather than dispersing the equipment among many others in part because the confined spaces of Camp Carroll made it the best option, said Lt. Col. Karl S. Ivey, spokesman for the 19th Expeditionary Support Command in Daegu.
“It is a very confined area,” he said Wednesday. “There just isn’t space for that.”