So over the past several days here on this blog I have documented that within a three-block radius of the area called Ground Zero there are at least two strip clubs, plus a number of bars (one popular with lesbians). This morning through googling I found a lingerie and porn video shop about two blocks south of Ground Zero that a reviewer calls "grimy" and "sleazy." Those establishments have existed in close proximity to Ground Zero lo these many years, and no one seemed to care.
Yet talk about putting up a cultural center within this same area, one that won't even be visible from the Ground Zero site, and suddenly people start squawking about "hallowed ground" and "sacrilege." Give me a break.
The Mosque In Question Isn’t Really Where The World Trade Center Was
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 9:13am.
It’s two blocks away but Republicans knew
Their base would be complacent
If they had to be honest & properly called it
“Ground Zero adjacent.”