It Really Doesn't Matter
by Deborah
It really doesn't matter what age you are.
What nationality.
What country you come from.
Weather you are rich or poor.
What schools you were educated in. How big your city is or how small your town.
We all need LOVE.
There has been a huge shortage of that.
It is saddening to me, that we all have gotten away from the real reason we all are here.
I know there are power struggles.
Playing against each other on this invisible chess board.
What if we could all stop the control issues,lies,egos,selfishness.
What if..
We would stop the wars,stop making the guns,the bombs,the missiles,the rocket launchers.Stop killing.
Stop making nuclear to be used in the next war?Will there be a lack of clear for life. Everything living ?
What if..
What if each and every one of us had a say so,
A letter we could all write..
What would you say?
Would you care to make the feed the hungry?
Would you give your millions to the many nations, that need
to feed the billions?
Would you plant more trees and stop wasting.
Would you lend a helping hand more than you do..
Would you stop the corruption, the greed,the destruction,
Would you make a difference in everyone's life that
you meet by giving a smile,a gentle hug?
Would you stop being prejudice?
Would you stop handing out the drugs?
Would you tirelessly give to those less fortunate?
Would you help build shelters for homeless people
if you had the resources?
Would you be one of the thousands that take that animal in
off the street and give it a home?
Would you help to facilitate more equality
by seeing and feeling what is inside rather than what you
see on the outside?
Of everyone?
What if...
There was no more suffering.
No more Diseases.
No more cheating to get
to the top..
from the bottom
or the middle?
Be kinder.
Would you Join hands to make a chain around the world
while saying these words
I care?
What if....
I just got done reading Oxymoron's story on here. It moved me to tears, I could feel his pain in everything that he wrote. It reinforced the importance of reaching out to others in need. No matter what struggles you are going through, remember there is someone out there who still needs you, someone who may have it worse off than you thought you did. Someone who might just need your helping hand, whether it's to sit and listen to all their fears and woes, or give them a smile and a hug that says you care. Let's all pay it forward.
Link to Oxymoron's post: