9/12 March on DC made history last year by
bringing almost two million people together for the
common purpose of reclaiming our government.
To again make history, Tea Party Patriots needs a select
group of 300 bold patriots able to support us with
significant donations.
This year’s goal is to have combined crowds in three
cities large enough to shock and awe those in
government who would prefer to forget we exist.
By organizing enormous rallies in Sacramento, St Louis,
and Washington DC, Tea Party Patriots are making it
easier for Americans to attend a big event within a one
day drive from their homes.
These three massive 9/12 gatherings are free for
everyone to attend. But the expense of putting them
together is very large. In order to keep them free while
still offering adequate facilities and a compelling
program, we need financial support.
With your help, millions of additional people will have
access to a large scale 9/12 rally. Together, we can
present another powerful call by the American people
to reject socialism and return to the founding principles
of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited
government, and free markets.