anymore is one of short-sightedness, resentment, selfishness, rudeness, small-mindedness, and greed.
You are subtly encouraged to hate people who are smarter than you mainly because it diminishes you - your own lesser intelligence or intellect becomes obvious and glaring and more out in the open - so it makes you look bad. But instead of being encouraged to lift yourself up by seeking more learning or wisdom or guidance from those with greater minds, it's just ever so much easier to tear them down, criticize them, point fingers at them, diminish them, make them objects of ridicule. The politics of resentment - in which the ONLY way these simpletons can find a way to happiness and satisfaction comes from knocking somebody else down so you can feel taller or bigger or smarter or cooler. Sad to see that this seems to be the only way to get ahead - the idea that you can only gain through someone else's loss.
I wish we could evolve beyond that. It's so sad and sordid and infantile, and really kind of damning. There's certainly no future in it. You don't get ahead when you're dumbed down.
Many modern CONservatives recognize that the better-educated tend to be, and to vote, liberal. Is it any reason why they resist education that's really educational - like teaching SCIENCE in science class rather than religious superstition and Biblical interpretations of the way the world works. Why higher education, academia, the so-called "Eastern Elites" that somehow are blended with the whole idea of the (Eastern) Ivy League. Why these assholes encourage home-schooling, rewriting textbooks, and hell - even set up their own "universities" like Regent U and Liberty U and other ridiculous institutions where they teach EVERYTHING, including LAW, through a strict Biblical filter. Why you'll come upon person after person after person from the teabaggers onward into the bowels of any republi-CON convention who, when presented with facts that put the kibosh on something they've heard from limbaugh or glenn beck, the answer will be - "well... I don't know" or "well, I know what I know."
And they CLING to this shit for dear life!!! Even when presented with irrefutable evidence, verifying second opinions, and confirmation from people they trust, they STILL do. I saw it with my own eyes. I remember when a presumably sensible mom from the neighborhood got into a big argument with me, back during the run-up to the Iraq War, who INSISTED, with ROCK-SOLID CERTAINTY, that cheney had served his country in the military. I said no, he hadn't. That he'd NEVER seen combat, NEVER worn his country's uniform, and weaseled out with not one, or two, or three, but FIVE military deferments during Vietnam when everybody else with less going for them got shipped off to the front. This woman insisted this was not so, that I was completely wrong. Her brother-in-law told her and he knew everything. A moment later, another mom from the neighborhood strolled over, evidently curious about why we were arguing. She knew us both, but she hung out more in social settings with the other mom than with me, and in ritzier situations like country clubs and fancy ladies lunches and stuff that I don't frequent. The third woman listened to what we were arguing about and then jumped in, saying that I was correct, that cheney hadn't done jack shit for his country in the military and never served and weaseled out of Vietnam just as I'd said. The first mom stopped with kind of a jolt, looked at her friend, then at me, then back at her friend, and then regrouped and burbled something nervously about "well, I'm getting wrong information. I'm getting wrong information." It just DID NOT fit with what she'd been hearing and she was physically jarred by this.
DID IT TURN HER THINKING AROUND AT ALL ABOUT cheney OR THE WAR OR ANY OF IT?????? Did it change her mind? Did it make her start thinking differently? Did it open her eyes about bush/cheney and all their crimes and lies and deceits? Did it start waking her up about the shallow, myopic, limbaugh-esque world-view she embraced? Did it motivate her to ask me, or her other friend - well, if this information I'm getting is wrong, what else are they telling me that's wrong? Did it inspire her to seek information from an opposing view, and thus enlarge and clarify and rehabilitate her own?
HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a frickin' chance!!!!!! The next time I saw her it was clear she hadn't changed her thinking about anything and still was a bush-bot and still supported the war and still thought everything was just hunky-dory with the republi-CONS in power. She would rather cling to her falsehoods and preconceptions and Pox Noise-infused CRAP.
It is uncomfortable to be disabused of a mindset you've held for so long - indeed in this woman's case, all her life. 'Cause that involves admitting to yourself in all honesty that you've been had, you were taken in, you were fooled - ie: not smart enough to recognize pure bullshit steaming on your plate when you're served it. And that's just plain embarrassing. And we just can't have that, can we?
It's SO FRICKIN' SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disgusting and disgraceful and SAD!!!
Because for far, far, far too many of our fellow citizens, this is where they're stuck and from which they WILL NOT move. One after all cannot be wrong! It's bad for the national superiority complex we've all been fed for years as Americans. American exceptionalism and all that. USA! USA! We're Number One! We HAVE to be Number One because we HAVE TO be able to look down on everybody else and assert how much supremacy we have over all those miserable pathetic peasants in the non-American club. It's just unthinkable that we could be wrong - about ANYTHING!!!!
God forbid!
What would people think?