when the realization hit me that we were going to war in the Gulf. The first time.
I was pregnant with my daughter. She is now in college; I was at my mom's house, looking at a parenting magazine with CNN on in the background. Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait, and I had that 'witnessing history' moment. I had difficulty explaining to my younger sister why this was pivotal and why we would be getting involved.
I remember where I was when I had the sinking feeling things were going awry with our county. I had been watching news coverage of the September 11th attacks. Peter Jennings kept trying to explain why... why people might want to do this to us. And I was at a playgroup with my 3rd child. A mom asked to please put on Fox News, because they 'were the only ones with a kick ass attitude who weren't blaming America'... and all the other moms agreed.
Today at work, I saw a Facebook status about MSNBC's coverage of the last of the combat troops crossing into Kuwait. I will always remember sitting at my desk, while working late, with that 'witnessing history' feeling washing over me again. This time with joy attached.
Kuwait again. Full circle. But now the circle is closed, and hopefully, we can move on.
War is over baby! Thank you for keeping your promise, President Obama. I will always love you for this.