One ridiculous argument that is floating around is that this controversy somehow further politicizes 9/11 (That ship sailed a long time ago). As if politicians and the media haven’t used that tragedy to promote every talking point imaginable. Legions of religious zealots decried the Cordoba Institute for bringing all this attention back on those who lost loved ones on 9/11. They propagate the notion that somehow building the Islamic center is an affront to those who died that day. They choose to ignore the victims who are Muslim and/or aren’t opposed to the construction. However, even if it does somehow offend those who lost loved ones on 9/11, it still doesn’t give anyone the right to decide which people are allowed which freedoms. Those who lost loved one that day share a horrible burden. They have every right to their feelings, but no one has the right to subject those feelings on other people.
Those blinded by fear and/or ignorance of Muslim culture (on the count that most don’t actually know any) say this “Victory mosque” would be a trophy for extremists. Continuing the meme: Islam =Terrorism. That somehow allowing people to freely practice their 1st Amendment rights is exactly what the terrorists want. You see signs held up by protesters saying things like “Build churches in Saudi Arabia!” I guess they think America should be more like a religious theocracy. Religious extremists the world over have many things in common…but this controversy points out one thing in particular. These oppositionists think they deserve the power to suspend (or not provide in the first place) the right of anyone who’s ideology isn’t in line with their own. When it comes down to it the religious zealots in America have more in common with their extremist “enemies” in the Middle East then they do with the vast majority of Americans.