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Now republicans want to take people's driver's licenses away

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RB TexLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-19-10 12:37 AM
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Now republicans want to take people's driver's licenses away

These people are truly sick.

Republican lawmakers in New Mexico and Washington state have pushed to tighten the laws in recent years, only to be thwarted by Democrats. The issue is less heated in Utah, where illegal immigrant licenses carry only driving privileges. People cannot use the IDs to board a plane, get a job or buy alcohol, for example.

Candidates in New Mexico's governor's race have made the licenses a campaign theme, with the Republican saying she would revoke IDs granted to illegal and legal immigrants since the state enacted the law in 2003. The Democratic candidate opposes illegal immigrant licenses but prefers a softer approach.
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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-19-10 12:46 AM
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1. Meanwhile, the licensing program has resulted
Edited on Thu Aug-19-10 12:46 AM by Warpy
in fewer uninsured vehicles on the road as licensed drivers can now register their cars here and insure them.

NM has always taken the more compassionate route and it's mostly worked.

Martinez is well financed by gas, oil, and the Bob Perry who provided the seed money for the Swift Boat smear campaign (contributed in the manes of his whole family to dodge the restriction, too). Her contributors read like a rogue's gallery of far right loons.

I am terrified she will buy the office and undo a lot of the good that's been done here over the past 8 years.

She's also courted and gotten the Palin endorsement and we all know what that means.

Please get the word out if you live here in NM, this woman is BAD NEWS.

Edit for linkie:
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