Taking Your Country Back...Way, Way Back.Robert J. Elisberg
Columnist and screenwriter
Posted: August 19, 2010 09:11 AM
That's what America has in store if the Republican Party regains control in Congress, and not just in the coming election. Repealing healthcare. Repealing Wall Street banking reform. Repealing Social Security. Repealing unemployment insurance for those slackers who dared get fired during a recession. Repealing the 14th Amendment. Repealing the 17th Amendment. And issuing subpoena after subpoena, because "that's all we should do."
Forget what problems from the past the Republican Party created -- and that's a lot to forget: the economic crash, unemployment, doubling the national debt, the Iraq War, the Afghan War and more. Forget, too, that they want you to let them fix the mess they created. Forget even whether you think the Democratic Party can build strong enough solutions.
Just know that this is what will face America if a Republican Party is back in control. Repeal and subpoena. It's not opinion or guess: Republicans have themselves been excitedly telling you it's what they want. On the record. Imagine what they're saying out of the reach of microphones.
This isn't just the Party of No. This is the Party of Nowhere. No Way. No How.
America doesn't go backwards. America is a nation that has always gone forward.
But the Republican Party is telling you it wants to drag the country in reverse. Into the past. Repeal! "I want my country back," they cry. When blacks knew their place. The poor and elderly were on their own. Women couldn't vote. Only Europeans immigrated. And the rich didn't have to worry about anybody getting in their way.