“Frustration and donor fatigue are understandable given the myriad calamities in the headlines, but they are not good options,” Eric Schwartz, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration said yesterday. ”There’s no question that the world economic situation has had an impact on the ability of many governments around the world to give and give generously.”
Schwartz said the U.S. will pledge more money to Pakistan as donations trail the response to the Haiti earthquake. Democratic Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, who is visiting Pakistan, said U.S. aid will increase to $150 million, the Associated Press reported.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-08-18/u-s-tries-to-rally-pakistan-flood-aid-to-match-haiti-earthquake-response.htmlIf it matches the Haiti repsonse not much aid will ever reach Pakistan. Haiti waits in vain.