In the run-up to our Money Bomb on Monday, we've been introducing you to my rogues' gallery of opponents. First Dan Fanelli, the racist. Then Bruce O'Donoghue, the tax cheat. Then Kurt Kelly, the warmonger.
Today, it's Todd Long, the drunk driver.
Not Todd Long, guy who has been caught for drinking and driving, but now wants to make laws for all of us. Todd Long. The Constitutionalist.
Who was arrested for passing out drunk. In a schoolyard. 250 miles from home.
What was he doing in that schoolyard? Use your imagination.
This is what I'm up against -- I need your support in my August 23 moneybomb.
There is a vigorous debate among Todd Long's merry band of teabaggers. Has he been found guilty of lots of DUIs? Or, as Long himself claims, just one? Because, Long asserts, there is a different Todd Long who was found guilty of all the others.
Imagine that. Two different drunks named Todd Long. What are the odds?
But it's not so much that Todd Long is a drunk driver. Or that he claims he's the only one who can beat me, for the sole reason that two years ago, he lost to the Republican who then lost to me. Or that he's a walking, talking Limbaugh dittohead. No, it's deeper than that. A lot deeper.
What has Todd Long ever done for the people? In the many years that he has spent on this beautiful blue marble, floating in space, what has done to improve the lives of his fellow human beings?
Answer: Nothing. And if he's done nothing to help other people before he's elected to Congress, it's a good bet that he'll go right on doing nothing after he's elected to Congress.
Which is why we have to beat him. And why I need your help to do that.
Thank you very much for your support.
Rep. Alan Grayson
P.S. Thanks to the support of over 3000 people like you, we are now already 1/3 of the way to our goal of $300,000 for Monday's Money Bomb. Thank you.