Ann Coulter gets snubbed by World Nut Daily? I guess it's difficult to be a RWNJ (Right Wing Nut Job) these days.
Conservative provocateur Ann Coulter has been dropped from a keynote speaking gig at right-wing website WorldNetDaily's "Taking America Back National Conference" because of her upcoming appearance at a political convention for GOProud, a group of openly gay Republicans. "Ultimately, as a matter of principle, it would not make sense for us to have Ann speak to a conference about 'taking America back' when she clearly does not recognize that the ideals to be espoused there simply do not include the radical and very 'unconservative' agenda represented by GOProud," Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of WND, tells Daily News.
Farah says Coulter told him she'll mouth off for anybody for the right price. "They hired me to give a speech, so I'm giving a speech. I do it all the time," Coulter reportedly explained. "I speak to a lot of groups and do not endorse them. Giving a speech is not an endorsement of every position held by the people I'm speaking to." Previously, Coulter has wondered "why all gays aren't Republican. I think we have the pro-gay positions, which is anti-crime and for tax cuts. Gays make a lot of money and they're victims of crime. No, they are! They should be with us." Oh, the Republicans would never stand for that (!