August 18, 2010
Poachers are enemies of wildlife. They are “game hogs”—shooting animals out of season or shooting animals beyond legally established limits. They are “wildlife butchers”—shooting protected species and often using illegal methods of killing. They are motivated by greed and often a lust for slaughter.
Their victims are helpless wild animals, who just want to live free of molestation from humans. But wildlife watchers and lawful hunters are cheated by the actions of these people, too, since the poacher kills and depletes wildlife and denies opportunities for others.
The politically oriented hunting rights groups, such as the NRA, the Safari Club International, and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, offer mild protest of poaching. They offer anti-poaching bromides, but no real action to halt the slaughter of millions of animals by poachers. In contrast, The HSUS has an anti-poaching rewards program, offering more than $250,000 in rewards since 2008, and we are working with more and more state fish and wildlife agencies on the problem. We are also working with lawmakers to strengthen penalties to lock up poachers wherever they do their killing.
Some of the biggest hunting rights advocates have had their brushes with the law when it comes to illegal wildlife killing. This week, law enforcement nabbed a big buck within the hunting rights field: Rocker Ted Nugent pled no contest in a California court to poaching activities—baiting a deer and not having a properly signed hunting tag.
If Nugent were just some rank-and-file loudmouth, the court proceedings wouldn’t have stirred much attention. But Nugent is not only a long-serving board member of the NRA (15 years), he’s a self-styled voice for hunters across America. We’ve always thought he’s an embarrassment to the hunting lobby, providing an unceasing bilge of callous and crude beliefs and behaving in ways that are directly at odds with the self-portrait offered by hunters.