A number of years ago, I volunteered to give clarinet lessons to the 11-year-old daughter of a good friend. She was a very bright, motivated kid, who learned quickly and had a good analytical mind. The clarinet lessons went very well, and she was soon sitting in the first chair in her grammar school band. As time went on, she ended up doing the same in middle school and high school. But that's not the point of this OP, except to point out that she was bright and motivated.
After each clarinet lesson, we'd chat for a little while. I asked her about school and other things. One day, she told me that she was having the most difficult time getting the hang of arithmetic that involved fractions. Uh oh! I thought. First, I asked if I could look at her text book, which turned out to be using one of the newer method of introducing fractions. I recognized it, but can't remember the name of the particular book or method. She wasn't getting it. I knew that, because she said so. I asked if the teacher was helping students who were having difficulties by approaching fractions in a different way so they could jump the comprehension hurdle. The answer was that the teacher was not doing that.
Remember, this is 5th grade arithmetic. They were just starting that subject, and the current deal was adding and subtracting fractional numbers. So, I asked her if she had a ruler. She pulled one out of her backpack and handed to me. In about 15 minutes, I showed her how to think about adding and subtracting fractions. She got it almost instantly. Now, we only got to sixteenths, because that was as small a division that was on her ruler, but that was more than adequate for her current stage. We went on to understanding common denominators. After that, I asked her to hand me a piece of music she was learning on her clarinet. We'd gone over the musical notation before, but she looked at it and said..."Hey! Half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes. Fractions!" So we doubled up on the lesson with musical knowledge she already had.
On another day, I showed her how to multiply and divide with fractions, using the old standard techniques, rather than the awkward newish math methods used in her textbook. I told her not to bother showing this stuff to her teacher, unless she wanted a lecture on improper techniques. She got her A in arithmetic.
Now, I know the reasons for using different math teaching methods. I learned all of those while I was in college and thinking about becoming a teacher. I know the theories and why these systems are used. For this 11-year-old, though, they were not useful, but an obstacle. She ended up understanding what was being taught, but learned how to solve the problems before she understood the theory. A ruler. A sheet of music. Practical arithmetic.
So, she went on with her education, and ended up becoming a elementary teacher. She's now teaching whatever arithmetic method that's currently being played with. I saw her a couple of years ago, and she told me that she also teaches using the traditional arithmetic methods like the ones I taught her for fractions. She said that it was more important that the kids learn how to do the problems than how to "understand" the problems. They get the theory pretty quickly once they understand how to solve the problems. She's right.
Not every new arithmetic theory is effective. Not every educational theory works for every student. Sometimes, a little creative thinking is all that's needed to get a student over a small obstacle in the learning process. It's a pity that that thinking isn't as much a part of education as it once was.
I'm not a teacher. Well, I am, but not professionally, and only with adults these days. I can, however, take a bright 11-year-old through adding and subtracting fractions in half an hour. Once they get it, it's gotten. Of that I'm certain. Whatever works for the individual student. There's always another way of looking at the problem and, sometimes, really old-fashioned methods still work the best.