The Tillman Story' hits with forceBy KENNETH TURAN
Los Angeles Times
"The Tillman Story" is a story that won't go away, won't leave you alone, won't let you feel at ease. Intensely dramatic, filled with elevated heroism, crass self-interest and blatant stupidity, it's a paradigmatic narrative of our tendentious, turbulent times.
It's also a mark of how remarkable the tale of Pat Tillman is that no amount of retellings of its sequence of events - how an NFL star turned Army Ranger turned Afghan war casualty turned unwilling and untrue national symbol - can wear out the story's power or dilute its essential mystery. Too awful and too significant to fade from view, the actions contain everything that's right about this country as well as many of the things that are wrong.
So even though Amir Bar-Lev's documentary follows in the footsteps of two excellent books, one by Tillman's mother, Mary Tillman, and one from Jon Krakauer, as well as a lengthy Sports Illustrated profile by Gary Smith, it is well worth everyone's time on its own.
Compelling, compassionate and terribly moving, "The Tillman Story" will make you angry as well as sad. Even if you know what happened in broad outline, the specifics are shocking, and being able to actually see the principals and watch as the layers get peeled away like an onion is frankly devastating.
The first surprise of "The Tillman Story" is the character of Patrick Daniel Tillman himself, a man who, as a friend says, is definitely not the "meat-head jock" people might be expecting when they first hear his name.
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