Grassroots Or Astroturf? Signs At 'Mega Mosque' Protest Were Pre-Printed (VIDEO)
Christina Bellantoni | August 19, 2010, 2:00PM
Conservatives are having fun with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's suggestion that there is some sort of conspiracy uniting the opponents of the proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero, but a closer look at some of the early protests suggests at least some coordination.
Check out the video embedded below, footage from a June protest that you've probably seen many times on television in recent days.
Organizers of the protest boasted 10,000 people and say their energy triggered an increase in coverage. What struck us about the footage were the pre-printed signs condemning what opponents call a "mega mosque." Many had the Web address for Pamela Geller's anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America printed right on them.
Here's one example:

A protest against the 'Ground Zero Mosque' in New York.

A handful of the signs had SIOA's Web site blacked out.