Take E action at link.
http://act.americanrightsatwork.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=576&track=201008_adv_xeroxXerox recently told 19 workers they must transfer departments or leave the company.
What do these workers have in common? They're all fighting for a fair union contract.
While Xerox tramples on its workers' rights at home, Xerox's outsourcing division is trying to ship those jobs – and thousands of jobs like them – overseas.
Tell Xerox CEO Ursula Burns: Our economy needs good jobs, not unionbusting and outsourcing.
This is the mailer I got.
"We know you were one of the union leaders."
That's what bosses told Frank Buonvicino when they fired him from his job at a Xerox call center on Staten Island.
Back in March, Frank was one of 14 union supporters fired after joining his co-workers to demand that long-overdue contract negotiations begin.
Frank and his co-workers got their jobs back. But that victory was short-lived. Now - just a few months later - Xerox has done it again. They've told 19 workers - all union supporters - that they must transfer departments or be fired.
A big show of public pressure can force Xerox to do the right thing - it's worked in the past. But we don't have time to waste.
Tell Xerox: Stop the coercion, harassment, and firings. Do you copy?
We know Xerox listens to public pressure. How? Well, after Frank and his co-workers were fired in March, dedicated activists sent thousands of emails, made countless phone calls, and protested Xerox publicly. And Xerox listened: the outcry got Frank and his co-workers back on the job.
Xerox executives must think no one is watching this time. Can you help prove them wrong?
Send Xerox a strong reminder that we STILL won't stand for worker abuse.
Xerox is a successful, profitable company. This is just about greed. Thanks for showing Xerox that we're watching.
Manny, Liz, Briana and the American Rights at Work team
P.S. There's an added insult in all of this... While Xerox fires workers in the United States for supporting unions, its outsourcing division is trying to ship jobs overseas!
Tell Xerox: Our economy needs good jobs - not unionbusting and outsourcing!