Edited on Thu Aug-19-10 09:07 PM by BrklynLiberal
is that the site was made into a circus almost from the beginning.
There were crowds of tourists standing all over the place taking pictures of themselves standing in front of what was left of the WTC. It reminded me very much of some big game hunter having his picture taken with his kill.
It truly made me fill sick to my stomach. I could not even bring myself to actually look at the site for over a year. When I had to go past it, I averted my eyes..trying to create a belief that it was all still there.
There were street vendors ALL OVER neighborhood...hawking pictures, flags, models of the WTC and all kinds of other touristy crap to those that were wandering around inspecting the site as if it were the decaying corpse of some animal.
The only time the site was treated with any actual reverence was during the annual ceremonies that involved the families of those that died and those that had survived the collapse and first responders involved in the rescue efforts.
If this had truly been treated as the "Hallowed" ground that everyone makes such glorious speeches about, there would have been a memorial erected years ago. Most of those concerned seemed more interested in the real estate/rental values of what would be built on the site.
To carry on NOW about what hallowed ground this is..and especially by those RWingnuts who have been using it for political gain since the day it happened..AND VOTED AGAINST A BILL TO APPROPRIATE MONEY FOR MEDICAL COVERAGE FOR THE FIRST RESPONDERS...is so far beyond hypocritical that I cannot even come up with an adequate word to describe it.
The RWingnuts have used the WTC and 9/11 for their own selfish, small minded, political purposes...and they continue to do so this very day. All this chest-beating and whining about the Community Center on Park Place is just a continuation of the same shit-stirring they have been doing since 9/12/01