The evil weed.Shocking School Drug And Gang SurveyUpdated: Thursday, 19 Aug 2010, 6:56 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 19 Aug 2010, 12:01 AM EDT
A new survey claims that 27 percent of public school students aged 12 to 17 attend schools that are both gang and drug-infected. That means 5.7 million students attend schools which are both gang and drug dominated.
Nearly 50 percent of all public school students report drug use or sales on school grounds.
The Columbia University survey claims that one in three middle schoolers say that drugs are used, kept or sold at their school. That number is up 39 percent in the past year.The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) survey compared to teens attending gang and drug-free schools, teens who attend schools infected with both gangs and drugs.
It found that teens who attend schools with drug and gang problems are five times likelier to use marijuana and three times likelier to drink.