Book Review:
How the European Model Can Help You Get a Life'
Is socialism really that bad? Geoghegan argues that people are happier, healthier, and better off in a European (read: German) social democracy, which gives them more bang for their tax buck—and strengthens capitalism to boot. Then he makes you read about his vacations.
What’s the Big Deal?
Since the government bailouts, health-care reform, and the takeover of General Motors, “socialism” has become the dirty word of American politics. Geoghegan takes on the worthy task of exploring what it really means and—gasp!—whether it’s the remedy for an ailing America. The question seems especially relevant now that Germany, the hero of Geoghegan’s story, is leading the West with a booming economic recovery; unfortunately, Geoghegan doesn’t answer it. He draws half-baked conclusions from things like watching Germans read newspapers and having “the perfect cup of coffee” instead. say we just send the right wing somewhere that they can have no government, no health care and no social securtiy. Problem solved, we don't have to go to Europe. It is a great place to visit but I don't think I want to live the rest of my life there.