Posted by AlterNet Staff at 9:01 am
August 20, 2010
Vitter Threatens to Sue Over Opponent’s Brutal Campaign AdsPosted by AlterNet Staff on @ 9:01 am
The Advocate, via TPM:
Attorneys for U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., threatened Thursday to sue radio stations if they continued airing a commercial critical of the senator’s past conduct with women.
Vitter’s attorneys claimed in a letter to the radio stations that the 60-second advertisement is “false, misleading and defamatory.”
The spot talks about Vitter’s alleged battery of a woman and of the arrest of the senator’s former aide, Brent Furer, on charges stemming from an incident involving the aide’s girlfriend.
The ad, paid for by Senate candidate and former Supreme Court Justice Chet Traylor, is being run on radio stations around the state.
Traylor campaign strategist Roy Fletcher said the claims made in the commercial are true and Vitter just doesn’t like its content.
“To me he’s trying to suppress free speech,” said Fletcher, who developed the ad.
TPM posted the ad’s script:
Now it’s time to man up. A judge found Vitter committed battery on a woman. It was an unprovoked attack. Next, Vitter’s notorious scandal with the DC Madam. She ran an escort service for powerful men in Washington, if you know what I mean. Then a former prostitute said she, well, serviced Vitter on numerous occasions in New Orleans. That’s family values, right? Now, Vitter’s Senate aide for women affairs holds his girlfriend hostage while slashing her face with a knife. Vitter didn’t fire the aide. Vitter gave him two more years on his public payroll. Some conservative, huh? Hey Vitter. What’s next? Republicans, it’s time to man up for change.