People who live on the Gulf Coast and depend on it for their livelihoods aren't buying the government's claim that most of the oil leaked from BP's well is simply "gone."
August 16, 2010
Dahr Jamail
Two captains of so-called "vessels of opportunity" helping with the cleanup recently told Times-Picayune reporter Bob Marshall <5> that they saw more oil at South Pass on Tuesday than they have during the entire crisis.
"I don't know where everyone else is looking, but if they think there's no more oil out there, they should take a ride with me," charter captain Mike Frenette said. Another captain, Don Sutton, saw floating tar balls for 15 miles from South Pass to Southwest Pass. "And that wasn't all we saw. There were patches of oil in that chocolate mousse stuff, slicks and patches of grass with oil on them,'" he said.
On August 5, it was reported that a pair of fishermen in Mississippi <6> "made an alarming discovery that has many wondering what's happening below the surface" of the Gulf of Mexico. They found several full-sized crabs filled with oil.In Hancock County, Miss., Brian Adam, the EMA director, reported, "We're still seeing tar balls everyday, and I'm not talking just a few tar balls. We're seeing a good amount everyday on the beaches."
According to Adam, a rock jetty near Waveland became covered in 1,000 pounds of tar balls in only three days' time. Keith Ladner, owner of Gulf Shores Sea Products and a longtime supplier of seafood, said this of some full-sized crabs he found near the mouth of Bay St. Louis: "You could tell it was real slick and dark in color, so I grabbed it and opened the back of the crab, and you could see in the 'dead man' or the lungs of the could see the black."