SOURCE (as of April 4, 2007...that's why I posted "171-plus" in my subject line:
Freeps respond:
To: bd476
The emperor absolutely has no clothes.
2 posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:26:13 PM by bethtopaz (
To: bd476
Did Bush make any such appointments?
3 posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:30:06 PM by NoLibZone (I am currently under federal investigation by the DNC for my opposition to the Ground Zero mosque.)
To: bd476
Sneakin’ In da Freaks!
10 posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010 6:04:16 PM by FlingWingFlyer (DemocRATS! America's Taliban!)
To: NoLibZone
I was trying to do a llittle research to see who the 4 are-I am sure they are of the socialst commie variety
Birds of a feather.......
11 posted on Thursday, August 19, 2010 6:04:28 PM by funfan
To: bd476
Pelosi tell the American public to shut its mouth, Pete Stark tell his own voting district that the Fed Gov can do anything it wants, Dem Congress bich Bean bring thug to public town hall to openly intimidate, Holder tell America it can’t prosecute because Black panthers are BLACK, Obama sarcastically puts down American public for their opposition to his Health Care Socialist nirvana stating “you would think that they would THANK ME”, DOJ is now using the force of the Government against Arizona, and back to Pleosi (where the circle rejoins and continues) as the 3rd MOST Powerful Politician in America say those who oppose the GZ Mosque should be investigated...
what does it all mean?
Lawlessness and open legal defiance of the Constitution is what this tin pot dictator’s Regime is all about!
But November 2 is coming and with it a reckoning that will turn this country on its azz and back to where its soul resides.
23 posted on Friday, August 20, 2010 6:58:54 AM by R0CK3T