The Wikileaks data suggests that as many as 2,058 people on a secret hit list called the "Joint Prioritised Effects List" (JPEL) were considered "capture/kill" targets in Afghanistan. A total of 757 prisoners - most likely from this list - were being held at the Bagram Theater Internment Facility (BTIF), a U.S.-run prison on Bagram Air Base, as of the end of December 2009.
With the support of Donald Rumsfeld, then U.S. secretary of defence. Brown also began setting up "joint Special Forces" teams to conduct F4 missions outside war zones. These were given the anodyne name "Military Liaison Elements." At least one killing by such a team in Paraguay of an armed robber not on any targeting list was written up by New York Times reporters Scott Shane and Thom Shanker. The team, whose existence had not been divulged to the local U.S. embassy, was ordered to leave the country.
Bush's departure from the White House did not dampen the enthusiasm for F4 - quite the contrary, even though F4 was altered recently, in typical military fashion, to "find, fix, finish, exploit, and analyze," or F3EA. By all accounts, President Obama has expanded military intelligence gathering and "capture/kill" programmes globally in tandem with drone-strike operations by the CIA.
Noting its similarity to the Phoenix assassination programme, responsible for tens of thousands of deaths during the U.S. war in Vietnam (which he defends), Long called for a shrinking of the U.S. military footprint in Afghanistan to 13,000 Special Forces troops who would focus exclusively on counterterrorism, particularly assassination operations.
"Phoenix suggests that intelligence coordination and the integration of intelligence with an action arm can have a powerful effect on even extremely large and capable armed groups," he and his co-author William Rosenau wrote in a July 2009 Rand Institute monograph entitled "The Phoenix Program and Contemporary Counterinsurgency".
More on this insane, evil, anti-American, counterproductive, empire-in-death-throes, desperate, cornered-rat-megalomaniac syndrome at: