I live in an HOA, and I like it. I have lived here for 23 years, and for the most part, it has been great. I have read the horror stories of some who have had to face an ignorant HOA board of directors. We had one such incident 10-15 years ago regarding rules on our lake. A homeowner sued, and won, making the HOA honor the state rules governing boat traffic. The hubris of some board members is disgraceful. Most of the ones on the board at the time have since moved, but not before costing us $100K in legal fees. But, other than that one incident, the place I live is heaven. For a little less than $200/mo, we have a gated lake community with tennis courts, great fishing, a PGA rated golf course, a disc golf course, all kinds of clubs and organizations, and you can play all the golf you want for free!
The key is to keep those who like to form cliques out of power. Since the great majority of people here are republicans, you can imagine what it's like. There is nothing more satisfying than slapping these people down. Since we are a rural community close to a major metropolitan area, we have a lot of people moving in who want to be a big fish in a small pond. When they find out we don't want their fucking ideas, they get mad and move. Success!