Fischer: US Failed to Make Iraq a Christian Nation, So Our Soldiers Died For Nothing
Submitted by Kyle on August 19, 2010 - 8:43am
Just how anti-Muslim is the AFA's Bryan Fischer?
So anti-Muslim that he is now claiming that the entire Iraq war was an epic failure and complete waste of American time, money, and lives because we did not seek to convert the entire country to Christianity.Fischer says that the only thing that kept Iraq functioning under Saddam Hussein was that "Christians to help him run the country
Christians were the only decent, trustworthy, honest people he could find." When Hussein was toppled, it left Iraq in the hands of Muslims and "Islam simply doesn’t produce men with the kind of character and integrity needed to run a country."
Fischer says America has offended God by creating a new Islamic Republic in Iraq which, "without the stabilizing values and presence of the Prince of Peace," will ultimately collapse.
Therefore, all of our soldiers have died for nothing:
It grieves me to the bottom of my soul to think of the soldiers who bravely gave their last full measure of devotion in such a misbegotten cause. They served bravely and well; it was their leadership that let them down.
All this is due to President Bush’s naive short-sightedness about the true nature of Islam and what it does to the human spirit. I believe him to be an honest and decent man, but deceived and foolish when it came to Islam.
He genuinely seemed to believe that Islam is a religion of peace which had been hijacked by evil men. The truth is the other way round. Islam is a barbaric religion of violence and war. The only hijacking that’s been done is by those trying to fool people into thinking it’s something benign
more, if you can stand the hate.