President Obama has exhibited master diplomacy in heading off what would surely have been World War III. Today,">Iran is well into installing nuclear fuel into the Bushehr nuclear power facility despite ominous warnings and posturing by Israel that doing so would result in preventive action against the nation that was listed by former president george w. bush as one of the "Axis of Evil".
President Obama and the United States has apparently exerted enough pressure on Israel in order to discourage Israel from attacking the Iranian facility before the Iranians could begin inserting radioactive fuel rods into the reactor at Bushehr. If Israel had attacked Iran in order to prevent the Bushehr plant from being brought online, it would have been the beginning of a third global war that would have surely involved Russia, who has been assisting Iran in it's nuclear power endeavors and monitoring the radioactive materials in Iran's possession to ensure that the material is being used to generate electricity and safe-guarding it against any redirection to a weapons program.
Considering that we know of recent meetings (and at least one snub) between Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu and Russia's Dmitry Medvedev, it is clear that President Obama and his administration, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have paved the way for Iran to proceed with their peaceful nuclear power ambitions. This represents an extraordinary victory for President Obama and it means that the Iranian people can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that not only will they now reap the benefits of the electricity generated at Bushehr but they will also not have to worry that their peaceful activities will result in violent war.
So, congratulations to President Obama and his administration and double-congrats to the Iranians for standing their ground and moving forward with their peaceful energy program in the face of such an ominous and looming threat of attack. Because of the efforts of all involved, instead of a violent and potentially nuclear world war that would have left no one on the planet safe, we have a continuing paradigm that will most likely leave Iran intact for the foreseeable future and a world that is spared the lunacy and sadness of a violent global conflict.