Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Survey Of Spouses Leaked, Condemned As ‘Insulting And Derogatory’ By Advocacy Group has obtained a copy of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell survey sent out to 150,000 military spouses yesterday. The document is part of a broader Pentagon study designed to determine the consequences of repealing the ban against open service. Earlier this year, the Pentagon came under attack from groups representing gay and lesbian servicemembers after portions of a separate survey of active and reservist troops became public. Citing privacy concerns, activist groups advised closeted gay members against participating in the study and denounced it as insulting.
This 13-page document — which begins with a letter from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates informing spouses that the survey “will help us assess the impact of a change in the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law
and policy on family readiness and recruiting and retention” — has sparked similar condemnation from LGB groups. “This survey of military spouses contains many of the same insulting and derogatory assumptions and insinuations about gays and lesbian that ran throughout the last survey,” Servicemembers United said in a statement. “Answer choices suggest things like the Defense Department possibly distributing flyers in military neighborhoods if, as they say, ‘Don’t ask, Don’t Tell’ is repealed and that the ‘readiness’ of military families might somehow be impacted.”
Below are several sample questions, read the full survey HERE: survey’s recipients were selected at random from the Pentagon’s database of registered spouses, which does not include the partners of gay and lesbian troops. The Pentagon is engaged in a separate process of contacting and incorporating the voices of LGB partners. In fact, according to one Pentagon source, the co-chairs of the DADT study group have already met with several spouses of gay and lesbian members.
Spouses will have until September 27th to complete the survey. The results of the broader DADT study are expected at the beginning of December.