I accidentally posted in latest breaking news. The article posted was Aug. 18, 2010. Sorry for such a huge over site. Clearly it is Aug. 21, 2010.
There are 50,000 non-combat troops remaining, but the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom is ending at this hour.
http://seminal.firedoglake.com/diary/65920 End of Operation Iraqi Freedom has occurred but with so many troops left behind in an advisory capacity I can't seem to make sense of this move. On one hand it is so wonderful that some troops are coming home. Hopefully they stay home. On the other hand this war is still using 50,000 advisory troops.
Each of these units will be in Iraq after 8/31/10, and each will be as fully combat-capable as any brigade combat team or armored cavalry regiment currently in Iraq. They have all the guns, bombs, rockets, tanks and artillery required to pound the living crap out of anything or anybody they choose.
http://seminal.firedoglake.com/diary/63159Veterans for peace has much to say about this rebranding of the war, but here is what I like: Transfer of funds from war into resources to rebuild America, with a focus on green jobs.